B.B. King: Live In Cook County Jail
Original Release: 1971 ABC Records
Reissue: 2015 Geffen Records

B.B. King Live In Cook County Jail was recorded in performance on September 10, 1970, in Cook County Jail, Chicago. King agreed to a request from warden Winston Moore to play for the inmates, which consisted of an audience of 2,117 prisoners, most of whom were young black men. King's set list consisted mostly of his past hits from early in his career, which were slow blues songs.
Live In Cook County Jail spent thirty-three weeks on the Billboard Top LPs chart, peaking at number twenty-five. It reached number one on the Top R&B chart, which was the only time one of King's records achieved such.
Live In Cook County Jail ranks up there with some of the best-known prison performances of the time, including At Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash. Considered by many to be a better live performance than King’s Live at the Regal, King’s energy and pure passion for music comes through loud and clear. Maybe the electricity he exuded was generated out of his concern for the conditions the audience lived. Maybe it was due to his heartfelt concern for the lives of all the young black men in the audience. Whatever the cause, it is evident in his masterful guitar playing and through his voice that he was completely connected to those in attendance that afternoon.
1. Introductions
2. Every Day I Have the Blues
3. How Blue Can You Get
4. Worry, Worry, Worry
5. Medley: 3 O’clock Blues/Darlin You Know I Love You
6. Sweet Sixteen
7. The Thrill Is Gone
8. Please Accept My Love
Geffen Records pressing of Live In Cook County Jail is a wonderful addition to many that have come before it. Given the sophistication of the recording devices of the time (which was probably an 8-track system) the acoustics at the venue, and the limitations any such condition presents, this is an excellent recording and one that truly achieves the feeling of being there live with B.B. King. The pressing is superb. Every pick of the guitar come through with great clarity. His voice is clean and stands tall over the rowdy crowd.
If you love live music, are a fan of the blues, or are simply intrigued by how this record documents an era and the incredible talent of a blues legend, this record is definitely worth the investment. Every vinyl collection should include Live In Cook County Jail. After all, there’s a definite reason this live album made the Rolling Stone Top 500. 💰
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